
On Midday today, we're observing the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday by talking with some local examplars of the MLK Day of Service ethic, who've taken the lead in efforts to make Baltimore a better place to live. Joining Tom for this last of three conversations today is the Reverend Alvin Hathaway, the Senior Pastor of Union Baptist Church in Upton, and founder of Green Ambassadors, a privately funded neighborhood clean-up program sponsored by Wheelabrator and the Ministers Conference of Baltimore and Vicinity. It hires young people to pick up litter and trash around city neighborhoods. Also joining Tom is Robert Ginyard, an entrepreneur and motivational activist who created the "Dear Baltimore, I'll Do My Part" campaign to encourage individual Baltimoreans to pick up litter and debris in their neighborhoods. This conversation was live-streamed on WYPR's Facebook page. Watch the video here, from 32:00 through the end of the feed.
MLK Jr. Day of Service, Pt 3: Neighborhood Clean-Up Campaigns
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