
Local Color
*A few sentences about how COVID19 has us all inside, near stir crazy, wishing we could go out for more than the essentials* but when we HAVE to go out on those essential runs, or to Druid Park to walk around wondering when that Trump check is gonna hit, health experts say we should wear a mask. In this interview I talk with Aaron Jones and Alysha January of Bushelers of Baltimore. Before the rona, they did alternations, tailoring and garment repair for the city. Now they're making masks to serve Charm City in its time of need. They don't want to get rich off the custom handmade masks, but it's put them in a position a lot of small businesses wish they could be in during this time; they're busy as hell. Listen as they talk about creating a comfortable and affordable mask, the feedback and response they've received from Baltimore residents, and how what they're doing today will impact and influence Bushelers tomorrow.
Local Color
Episode 70 - Aaron Jones and Alysha January
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